Our Values, Vision and Mission
In times where climate change related issues are becoming the central challenge for the global environment, the relationship to water and energy – two of the most essential resources for human life – is also shifting. Energy efficiency and renewable energy as well as the adequate management of water and water related issues are critical to preserving life as it is.
Envisioning a bright and clean future for the planet, we aim to contribute to sustainable development by specializing on infrastructure finance for water and sanitation as well as energy efficiency and renewable energy. Our focus lies in the provision of customer-driven scientific and technical support for the conception, development, implementation and monitoring of international development projects. Firmly grounded in holistic thinking, a blend of comprehensive expertise in the water, energy and financial sectors – while also attending to their interdependencies – is central to our consulting services.

Within this context, MACS is committed to understanding the organization’s position in the marketplace and how relevant factors arising from legal, political, economic, social and technological issues influence the strategic direction.