Albania: Water Sector Performance and Investment Programme WPIP - Municipal Infrastructure Programme MIP V
The Water Sector Performance and Investment Programme (WPIP)/ Municipal Infrastructure Programme V (MIP V) is the united response of the donor community in the water sector to the demands of the Albanian Government (GoA) and needs of the population and the private sector. Improvements in the water sector are high on Albania’s development agenda but present still significant challenges that request assistance with a specific focus on NRW reduction, improved water supply, utility management capacity building, HR development and improved institutional and regulational framework.
The Objective of the Project is the contribution to economic, social, environmental, and territorial development, as well as tourism attractiveness. Enhancement of sustainability of selected municipal water and sewerage utilities, with improved planning, operation and integrity management and climate resilience; and improved and affordable access of the population in the programme areas to safe drinking water supply, sewer services and increased centralized treatment of collected wastewater, monitored in accordance with EU directives.
Participation as Consortium Member with SWECO GmbH (Lead), SETEC Engineering GmbH & co KG and MACS Energy & Water GmbH for Institutional and financial capacity building for all 5 program utilities in Berat, Flora, Elasan, Fier and Lezha.