Moldova: Local Communities Programme (LOCOMO): Improved Public Infrastructure and Public Utilities Performance in selected local Communities
The Republic of Moldova is considered Europe’s poorest and least developed country. Infrastructure and related services of water, sanitation and waste management are hardly developed, particularly in rural areas. Therefore, one of the components of the programme focuses on optimizing water supply, sanitation and waste management. As a flagship project, a water treatment plant will be constructed in Edinet in northern Moldova in the framework of LOCOMO. Additionally, ten to 15 smaller construction projects will improve water infrastructure in schools, daycare centers and other public facilities. Access to renewed infrastructure benefits water suppliers and waste management providers, public authorities, and – most of all – the population in the selected target areas.
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the implementation of Moldova’s strategic goals in the areas of sustainable water supply as well as sewage and wastewater treatment. The consortium will provide construction site supervision including all duties and authorities of the Engineer in accordance with regulation as well as to develop capacities within the involved utilities in order to ensure proper operation and maintenance as well as financial sustainability of the new infrastructure and setup.
MACS is participating in a consortium with Posch & Partners Consulting Engineers as Site Superision Consultant, while MACS implements the capacity development component within the construction project, specifically focusing on the provision of Operation and Maintenance trainings for the newly constructed facilities, as well as the overall improvement of human resource capital and utility efficiency.