Peru: Programme for the Reduction of Water Losses “Programa de Reducción de Pérdidas de Agua II”, Huanuco Project
The region on the pacific coast is suffering inceasingly from water scarcity and intense weather developments intensified by climate change while also illegal piping connections and overall ownership of the community and the utility for the water supply systems issufficient. Based on the lessons learned from the Water Loss Reduction Programme in Trujillo, a similar project is to be implemented in Huanuco, with institutional support to be provided to SEDA Huánuco.
The main goal of the project is the improvmeent of the efficiency of water use in order to contribute to the sustainable supply of drinking water to the population of the the Project area, taking into account the intensification of water scarcity due to climate change. This is to be achieved through the cohesion of institutional strengthening measures eith invesmtent measures.
Similar to the Trujillo Project, MACS implements the project together with GITEC-IGIP and WMI.