Project Details

Location: Belgrade, Serbia
Client: Intesa Bank Serbia
Budget: 14,850 €
Financier: KfW Development Bank

Info: Introduce and establish an energy calculation tool that fulfils the criteria of KfW and meets the specific requirements of Banka Intesa.

Serbia: eSave Implementation at Bank Intesa

MACS was contracted by KfW to support the “Energy Efficiency through the Banking Sector” Program for several institutions in Serbia, this time for Banka Intesa. The objective of MACS was to successfully introduce and establish an energy calculation tool that fulfils the criteria of KfW and meets the specific requirements of Banka Intesa, so MACS implemented eSave as tool to verify, monitor and report RE/EE loans with regard to GHG and energy savings.


Valentina Matkovic

Senior eSave implementation and Trainings Consultant

+382 31 321370

Valentina Matkovic

Senior eSave implementation and Trainings Consultant

+382 31 321370

eSave Implementation and Trainings

Since over 10 years, Valentina Matkovic Kovacevic has supported the MACS consulting team in the conceptualization and didactical design of MACS training activities and has led or moderated RE/EE trainings and workshops for several KfW and GGF sponsored credit lines. She has worked with loan officers of many banks, e.g. Banka Intesa, Komercijalna Banka and Erste Bank a.d. Novi Sad in Serbia, CKB and Erstebank in Montenegro, as well as Raiffeisenbank in Bosnia & Herzegovina, and helped them adapt to the requirements of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency lending. Furthermore Mrs. Matkovic provides permanent support and training for eSave, the MACS RE/EE calculation tool for RE/EE Credit lines. As the senior EE trainer, she is assigned to the design of training methods and training materials, and to the supervision of training activities.