Project Details

Location: Belgrade, Serbia
Client: UniCredit Bank Serbia, Crédit Agricole, Raiffeisen Leasing Serbia
Budget: 453,535 €
Financier: KfW Development Bank

Info: Support financial institutions to extend Credit Lines as EE loans to MSMEs to increase and deepen access of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSME) to EE finance.

Serbia: Eco Loans to Unicredit, Raiffeisen Leasing and Credit Agricole

Under the Program “Promotion of Investments in Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in the Banking Sector / Eco Loans”, MACS has been contracted with the support to three partner financial Institutions to extend Credit Lines as EE loans to MSMEs in a combined value of 45 million EUR. The objective of the Credit Lines is to increase and deepen access of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSME) to EE finance thus contributing to the deepening and broadening of the financial sector as well as to climate protection through the reduction of energy consumption and CO2emissions in Serbia.

More information in this Video: EcoLoans in Serbia


Nikola Ćatović

Director Sustainable Finance

+381 11 2450013

Nikola Ćatović

Director Sustainable Finance

+381 11 2450013

Green Credit Lines, Technical Due Diligence and Energy Audits

Nikola has an MSc in Electrical Engineering and his professional focus at MACS is on RE/EE projects, knowledge transfer and project management. Since April 2015, Nikola is also the Managing Director of MACS Serbia and responsible for the business development of this office.

Nikola is a “bankers engineer” – having performed technical due diligences of many RE/EE projects and countless RE/EE trainings for bank staff during implementation of RE/EE Credit Lines and loan products at banks in Western Balkan, Caucasus and Turkey.

On top of his technical skills, Nikola possesses outstanding language skills; he is fluent in English, German, Italian, Spanish and Russian besides his mother tongue Serbian.