Georgia: Ajara Rural Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment Programme
MACS in a consortium with GITEC (Germany), IRC (The Netherlands) and the Black Sea Eco Academy (Georgia) is assisting the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Ajara and the PEA, the Ajara Water Alliance in the implementation of the Ajara Rural Water Supply and Wastewater Program as the implementation consultant for investments in rural villages as well as the accompanying measures consultant to develop an adequate institutional structure for the sustainable organization of the water sector in semi urban and rural Ajara.
Services include:
- the participatory project development, design and supervision of village water supply and wastewater systems.
- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of all project sites and project measures
- Assistance and staff development of the Ajara Water Alliance
- Assistance to newly established municipal utilities to be responsible for O&M of the semi urban water supply and wastewater systems
- Assistance to newly established village user groups for the adequate and sustainable O&M of the village water supply and wastewater systems
- Development and implementation of an operation and maintenance concept and introduction of a tariff system, allowing for the sustainable functioning of the new systems
- Assistance in the implementation of a comprehensive communication and visibility program
- Establishment of an Ajara water monitoring system
The program implementation is based on a participatory basis; hence the assistance measures are based on the active participation, community mobilization of the population in rural Ajara.