Selected from 120 entries by independent judges, the GGF (Green for Growth Fund) was first shortlisted and then won the first place for the category “Real-world impact initiative of the year”. Since MACS is part of the technical advisory for GGF, it is very rewarding to be support such a succesful project.
Other shortlisted initiatives were the “AfricaGrow Fund”, “AXA Impact Fund”, “Bridge Workforce and Affordable Housing Fund LP” and “The journey to net zero”.
The PRI Awards recognise individually excellent projects conducted by signatories of all sizes, specialisms and levels of development. The award for “Real World impact initiative of the year” implies that GGF focused their investment activities on specific environmental or social impacts and identified clear objectives for their project, while also being able to demonstrate substantive progress towards achieving these, such as 58% energy savings, and 60% CO2 savings across its portfolio.
You can find further information about GGF and the other shortlisted initiatives as well as other categories following this link.