MACS was contracted to calculate the GHG Footprint and assesss the Climate protection Approach of the Municipality of Bad Nauheim, in Wetteraukreis, Hesse, Germany.
Based on Data available from the municipalitie's own water utility, housing association and public utility as well as on pulicly available regional pollution data of federal highways and streets, a concise evaluation was presented to the Sustainability and Climate Protection Department at the Municipal Administration this October.
The resulting conclusions have been summarized in the following german article published in "Gießener Allgemeine" on October 14th.
"Bad Nauheim is 36% below the average country value of environmental pollution. The high number of emission-free vehicles and the overall reduced number of vehicles in comparison to the country average have a positive impact on the overall GHG balance while the high dependability on natural gas has has a negative impact."
Read the full article here: "Bad Nauheim is underpowered"