SERBIA: ESG Training for Banca Intesa in Novi Sad

Last Thursday the MACS team delivered a round of ESG trainings for Banca Intesa in Novi Sad, Serbia.

The training covered the topic of ESG “Environmental, Social and Governance” Criteria with the aim to broadly introduce this evolving framework to the employees of Banca Intesa who had no previous knowledge on the topic.

Covering the development of ESG – historical and current market trends as well as a deep dive into the framework and its main pillars (E-environment, S-social and G-governance), the training focused on improving the general understanding of the topic and included work-group sessions on ESG criteria for different business sectors.

In the second phase, the applicability of the developed criteria was assessed with a focus on ESG application in the Agri-sector.

Active participation in the training and the closing Q&A section is a clear signal that ESG is a comprehensive tool to be utilized in sustainability progress for banks as well as a wise spectrum of business sectors!