MOLDOVA: Local Communities Training Needs Assessments

Training Needs Assesment and EcoClub Trainings implemented in the 3 communities in the Straseni Region in Moldova

In the framework of the EU ADA GIZ assisted LOCOMO (Local Communities) program in Moldova, the MACS team implemented trainings in Edinet and Iargara and performed assistance and training needs assessment with three mayors in the Straseni region. In Edinet, a new water treatment plant and repair and extension of water supply network is being constructed. The Iargara regional Solid Waste Management company is being assisted and receiving O&M training for the waste collection equipment. The municipalities of Scoreni, Capriana, and Galesti will receive wastewater systems and Wastewater Treatment Plants.

In the context of all of these support activities, the training needs assessments will facilitate the determination of future trainings and site visits. In the context of stakeholder engagement and involvement of the local population, the MACS experts also implemented an EcoClub Trainins in Edinet, to raise awareness for water supply and the role of the municipal water utilities in the community. A second EcoClub is currently in the process of being formed.